112 research outputs found

    Manipulability in trajectory tracking for constrained redundant manipulators via sequential quadratic programming

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    Trajectory tracking methods for constrained redundant manipulators are presented in this thesis, where the end-effector of a redundant serial manipulator has to track a desired trajectory while some points on its kinematic chain satisfy one or more constraints. In addition, two manipulability indexes are taken into account in order to optimize the trajectory. The first index is defined in terms of the geometric Jacobian of the manipulator in the constrained configuration. The second index is based on the constrained Jacobian, which maps velocities from joint space to task space, taking into account the holonomic constraints. Three methods for solving the trajectory tracking problem are discussed. The first two, kinematic control (KC) and quadratic programming (QP), are widely discussed in literature. The third, sequential quadratic programming (SQP), is a new approach, unlike KC or QP, has as advantages (despite some shortcomings) not explicitly depend on pseudoinverse Jacobian, derivative from the desired trajectory and linearization of indexes or constraints. A discussion of these three methods is presented in terms of tracking error, constraint violation, singularity distance, among others through experiments performed on a Baxter collaborative robot.Métodos de rastreamento de trajetória para manipuladores redundantes restritos são apresentados nesta tese, onde o efetuador de um manipulador serial redundante tem que rastrear uma trajetória desejada enquanto alguns pontos em sua cadeia cinemática satisfazem uma ou mais restrições. Além disso, dois índices de manipulabilidade são levados em consideração a fim de otimizar a trajetória para evitar singularidades. O primeiro índice é definido em função do jacobiano geométrico do manipulador na configuração restrita. O segundo índice é baseado no Jacobiano restrito, o qual mapeia velocidades no espaço das juntas para a espaço da tarefa, levando em conta as restrições holonômicas. Três métodos para resolver o problema de rastreamento de trajetória são discutidos. Os dois primeiros, controle cinemático e programação quadrática (QP), são amplamente discutidos na literatura. O terceiro, programação quadrática sequencial (SQP), é uma nova abordagem, diferentemente do controle cinemático ou QP, tem como vantagens (apesar de algumas deficiências) não depender explicitamente da pseudo-inversa de jacobianos, derivadas da trajetória desejada e linearização de índices ou restrições. Uma discussão desses três métodos é apresentada em termos de erro de rastreamento, violação da restrição, distância de singularidades, entre outros através de experimentos realizados em um robô colaborativo Baxter

    An Efficient FPGA-Based Frequency Shifter for LTE/LTE-A Systems

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    The Physical Random Access Channel plays an important role in LTE and LTE-A systems. Through this channel, the user equipment aligns its uplink transmissions to the eNodeB’s uplink and gains access to the network. One of the initial operations executed by the receiver at eNodeB side is the translation of the channel’s signal back to base-band. This operation is a necessary step for preamble detection and can be executed through a time-domain frequency-shift operation. Therefore, in this paper, we present the hardware architecture and design details of an optimised and configurable FPGA-based time-domain frequency shifter. The proposed architecture is based on a customised Numerically Controlled Oscillator that is employed for creating complex exponential samples using only plain logical resources. The main advantage of the proposed architecture is that it completely removes the necessity of saving in memory a huge number of long complex exponentials by making use of a Look-Up Table and exploiting the quarter-wave symmetry of the basis waveform. The results demonstrate that the proposed architecture provides high Spurious Free Dynamic Range signals employing only a minimal number of FPGA resources. Additionally, the proposed architecture presents spur-suppression ranging from 62.13 to 153.58 dB without employing any correction

    On the distribution of an effective channel estimator for multi-cell massive MIMO

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    Accurate channel estimation is of utmost importance for massive MIMO systems to provide significant improvements in spectral and energy efficiency. In this work, we present a study on the distribution of a simple but yet effective and practical channel estimator for multi-cell massive MIMO systems suffering from pilot-contamination. The proposed channel estimator performs well under moderate to aggressive pilot contamination scenarios without previous knowledge of the inter-cell large-scale channel coefficients and noise power, asymptotically approximating the performance of the linear MMSE estimator as the number of antennas increases. We prove that the distribution of the proposed channel estimator can be accurately approximated by the circularly-symmetric complex normal distribution, when the number of antennas, M, deployed at the base station is greater than 10

    Channel estimation for massive MIMO TDD systems assuming pilot contamination and frequency selective fading

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    Channel estimation is crucial for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to scale up multi-user MIMO, providing significant improvement in spectral and energy efficiency. In this paper, we present a simple and practical channel estimator for multipath multi-cell massive MIMO time division duplex systems with pilot contamination, which poses significant challenges to channel estimation. The proposed estimator addresses performance under moderate to strong pilot contamination without previous knowledge of the inter-cell large-scale fading coefficients and noise power. Additionally, we derive and assess an approximate analytical mean square error (MSE) expression for the proposed channel estimator. We show through simulations that the proposed estimator performs asymptotically as well as the minimum MSE estimator with respect to the number of antennas and multipath coefficients

    On the application of massive mimo systems to machine type communications

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    This paper evaluates the feasibility of applying massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) to tackle the uplink mixed-service communication problem. Under the assumption of an available physical narrowband shared channel, devised to exclusively consume data traffic from machine type communications (MTC) devices, the capacity (i.e., number of connected devices) of MTC networks and, in turn, that of the whole system, can be increased by clustering such devices and letting each cluster share the same time-frequency physical resource blocks. Following this research line, we study the possibility of employing sub-optimal linear detectors to the problem and present a simple and practical channel estimator that works without the previous knowledge of the large-scale channel coefficients. Our simulation results suggest that the proposed channel estimator performs asymptotically, as well as the MMSE estimator, with respect to the number of antennas and the uplink transmission power. Furthermore, the results also indicate that, as the number of antennas is made progressively larger, the performance of the sub-optimal linear detection methods approaches the perfect interference-cancellation bound. The findings presented in this paper shed light on and motivate for new and exciting research lines toward a better understanding of the use of massive MIMO in MTC networks

    Channel estimation for massive MIMO TDD systems assuming pilot contamination and flat fading

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    Channel estimation is crucial for massive massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to scale up multi-user (MU) MIMO, providing great improvement in spectral and energy efficiency. This paper presents a simple and practical channel estimator for multi-cell MU massive MIMO time division duplex (TDD) systems with pilot contamination in flat Rayleigh fading channels, i.e., the gains of the channels follow the Rayleigh distribution. We also assume uncorrelated antennas. The proposed estimator addresses performance under moderate to strong pilot contamination without previous knowledge of the cross-cell large-scale channel coefficients. This estimator performs asymptotically as well as the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator with respect to the number of antennas. An approximate analytical mean square error (MSE) expression is also derived for the proposed estimator

    Channel estimation for massive MIMO TDD systems assuming pilot contamination and flat fading

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    Channel estimation is crucial for massive massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to scale up multi-user (MU) MIMO, providing great improvement in spectral and energy efficiency. This paper presents a simple and practical channel estimator for multi-cell MU massive MIMO time division duplex (TDD) systems with pilot contamination in flat Rayleigh fading channels, i.e., the gains of the channels follow the Rayleigh distribution. We also assume uncorrelated antennas. The proposed estimator addresses performance under moderate to strong pilot contamination without previous knowledge of the cross-cell large-scale channel coefficients. This estimator performs asymptotically as well as the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator with respect to the number of antennas. An approximate analytical mean square error (MSE) expression is also derived for the proposed estimator201

    Channel estimation for massive MIMO TDD mystems assuming pilot contamination and frequency selective fading

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    Channel estimation is crucial for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to scale up multi-user MIMO, providing significant improvement in spectral and energy efficiency. In this paper, we present a simple and practical channel estimator for multipath multi-cell massive MIMO time division duplex systems with pilot contamination, which poses significant challenges to channel estimation. The proposed estimator addresses performance under moderate to strong pilot contamination without previous knowledge of the inter-cell large-scale fading coefficients and noise power. Additionally, we derive and assess an approximate analytical mean square error (MSE) expression for the proposed channel estimator. We show through simulations that the proposed estimator performs asymptotically as well as the minimum MSE estimator with respect to the number of antennas and multipath coefficients5177331774
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